United Way of Marshall County Receives $750,000 in Employer Sponsored Child Care Funds
TriShare Pilot Program Launches in Early 2025
Ready to Sign Up? *Employees must sign up through their participating employer. For more information, contact: |
Great news for Marshall County families, employers and childcare providers! United Way of Marshall County was one of 86 grant recipients of Indiana funds totaling $25 million to create child care solutions for working families. The $750,000 grant to United Way of Marshall County will be used to pilot a TriShare Program.
In a TriShare benefit program, the cost of an employee’s child care is shared equally among the employer, the employee and the local community with coordination provided regionally by a TriShare facilitator hub, generally a nonprofit intermediary organization. Participating employers set investment parameters and determine how many child care slots employees can be offered. Employees of participating employers sign up for the program and make contributions through payroll deduction.
Typically, eligible families are those with household income between 150-300% of Federal Poverty Guidelines since families with lower incomes already qualify for other child care assistance programs. This model is already used statewide in Michigan and in several other counties in Indiana. The purpose of the grant is to work with employers to design the program parameters to meet the needs in Marshall County.
Grant funds are awarded from the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration through their Employer Sponsored Child Care Fund (ESCC). The goal of the program is to provide more child care options to give Hoosiers the flexibility to enter and stay in the workforce and attain a better quality of life for their families. Learn more about the program which is part of Governor Holcomb’s 2023 Next Level Agenda by clicking here: Gov. Holcomb announces $18.1 million grant to support child care - State of Indiana. Program partners include the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and Indiana Manufacturers Association.
Facilitating access to quality childcare programs falls within United Way’s mission to mobilize community action so all can thrive. Child care is essential to both advancing educational opportunity and economic mobility. The TriShare program will enable families to receive quality care and early educational experiences for their young children, and improve employee recruitment and productivity. For more information, contact United Way at trishare@marshallcountyuw.org or 574.936.3366.